The S gets more ass then I do! PICS

i never really talked with shelby but she def. doesnt look to bad

every thread i invade becomes golden.

i think im gonnna get some pizza for lunch.

I had ribs for lunch, thats why im doing this.

damn right.

Well she is hott once in a while and im like dam id tap that and other times i just dont find her attractive at all and im like dam what was i thinking

how funny would it be if jake and rob seen this thread

beck, have you ever tried messing around with anyones sister,g/f,or ex-g/f on here?

who the hell are they

i can honestly say no.

i may be a scumbag.

but im not a scumbag to friends and people i know.

me and newman have fucked a few of the same broads. thats about it :gotme:

ANGLES! :ohnoes:

jake is alicias ex or something(i guess one day their dating the next their not) and rob is shelbys bf

hahaha, sooner or later, you will…

shelby told me she didn’t have one :gotme:

she is lying

i just got a sn!

see a little bit of “i might be cool to hang out with” beck came out in that answer.


If they arent bigger then me then i dont care.Chances are they are though and if they see this they can gofuck themselves

girls that lie about having boyfriends totally do ass to mouth when they cheat on them.