The S gets more ass then I do! PICS


in all honesty.

nobody liked me online.

and then when they met me in real life…it all changed…and thats why everyone puts up with my bs…cause they know its my e-personality.

i can think of like 10 people off the top of my head, that did this.

this could turn out very interesting but he is only like 5’11" and only like 150 lb so you have no worries

um, no correction, you were like 12, you were not around.

just because you were on UBRF, and heard the stories, doesn’t mean you were around.


they may be bigger but the both are gay and are pretty weak


walter. you are my hero.

i would just want to be better looking.

she keeps telling me… NO BOYFRIEND.

“She just wants to have fun”

“the golden age” of ubrf, lol. someone should make a ubrf alumni sticker

then have all your fun and save the messages if her bf ever comes around :gotme:

why would her boyfriend come along?

everyone knows you NEVER double bag it!

Double negitives get’s girls pregnant

not if he comes along but if her ever finds out and tries to find you

agreed, drama gets your car fooked up. I KNOW THIS


i’ve dealt with it before.

i’m not worried about it.

uncle pauly and Big Ed D, would take care of it for me.

he will never find out anyways hes a dumbass

their bfs were kinda tiny. About 140-150lbs. They seemed ok though
Just look out for that 9 he’s carrying.
Oh and the girl in pink has an AR15

those are my other buddies guns. he does have a 22 though :meh:

:word: DTKim was long gone by the time illero made an appearance

Sure about that buddy?


are you really really sure?