The sex robots are here!

no he-she dudes either

shit id fuck kimber james.

You mean to tell me you wouldnt hump it after gettin drunk at LG Paul?? :lol

not me. I dont do dudes or women who used to be dudes.


Id hope not.

Heres to hoping!

whats about dudes who use to be women?

thats still gay, isnt it?

Its not gay if its a female dick paul

well even if the tip of ‘her’ penis used to be a vagina Im still not fucking ‘it’

Youll fuck it, and youll like it

no, I wont

Ok, it will fuck YOU!! :lol


thats scarier yet. I dont need some he-she-wannabe-robot-doll-thing taking away my anal virginity.

wtf dude? Seriously youre looking at that shit while at work?

kimber james doesnt fuck dudes, she gets fucked by dudes. no worries jellies

It should fuck females or somethin…idk, Im not sure what the “correct” way of doing that would be :rofl

so its gay then? A dude with tits and long hair wearing make up is still a dude to me.