The Superbowl Thread

All the commercials sucked. They would have been better off re-aring Terry Tate stuff than the crap they showed this year.

Great game… im soo happy it stayed UNDER, cant believe it!!!.. i was worried when they put up 30 points in the first half… butonly 16 in the second saved me… CHA CHING!!

There were 2 funny commercials and they were both bud light.The hitchhiker one was funny.
Im drinking bud light and budweiser from now on

The first quarter commercials were ok, a couple real funny ones. But after that it was really bad.

The CGI coke one with the guy that looked like the grand theft auto guy was pretty creative IMO.

Peyton showed why he deserved a ring. Grossman showed why he isn’t a superbowl QB.

It’s not ALL on Rex Grossman. The Bears D sucked big time. The Bears could not tackle to save their life.

the best commercial was the one where everyone was getting slapped in the face, i lol’d at that one

Urlacher was everywhere

i enjoyed the kfed commercial. L O L.

so happy the colts won :tup:

Def thought the kickoff return TD was awesome and the snickers commercial

“Quick we just kissed, do something manly!”

Yes, one guy makes up a defense… :bloated:

So I watched most of the game on at work, but am just now throwing the DVR into play to watch it. Will chime in on the Colts victory afterwards but FUCKING RIGHT!!! Is what I will leave it at.

Well…in week three I picked these two teams for the superbowl. At that time, I picked Chicago to win though…but I wanted the colts to win…so i’m happy :tup:

Some of the career builder commercials were hilarious.

WOOOO… I picked the Colts… GO COLTS!

I won my 2nd quarter squares pool woot!

Anyone else aggrivated by the Jesus loves us celebration by the Dolts?

Hey Mr. Dungy…no talk about your son in all of that? Way to go Dad!

who the fuck fumbles snaps that much, and why the fuck did they stick out rex’s complete crap playing ability in the second half

Bears should not pick up Bleadso, they have a tendency to pick up a decent QB way past there prime, Walsh, Stewert, McNown(sp), Collins, Kraimer

why would he talk about his son killing himself? :bloated:

on a side note: the Bears are who I knew they were. GARBAGE. WAYYYYYYY OVERRATED. Shouldnt have even beaten the Saints.

Rex Grossman- hang yourself. Ive never seen two worse interceptions/ badly thrown wounded ducks.

ps… rex learn how to handle a snap.

The snap thing was just the ball, no one was handling the ball well yesterday. As far as Dunee’s son goes. Hes a pretty religious guy, perhapps he is mad at the htought of him taking his own life. Some hardcore disownage, besides who knows what cause that to happen. Tony might have been a huge dick to him or vice versa.

i wonder why i hated football. i acutally watched some of it. the game sucked, the commercials sucked. the colts didn’t even look happy when they won. what a fucking waste of a day. fucking junk just plain junk

take it you didn’t watch the bears/vikings game in the 11th week, 4 interceptions by johnson

u need a beating :slight_smile: