Super Bowl

Ok so what’s every body thinking as to who is going to win. I personally think that the saints are going to win. The saints are a strait blue collar team that knows how to hit. Their defense is the highest producer of turn overs in the NFL. Their offense has been stellar throughout the majority of the season, especially the postseason. Drew brees is on fire and they have two great running backs who hit like they play defense. I think the only thing that the colts have on the saints is Peyton Manning, but still, if the saints hit peyton like they were hitting farve I think he’ll be in for a very long game.

Would like to see the Colts win. How ever, saints looked pretty good. Will be a good game none the less.

Yah I agree… it will definitely be a good game. I forgot to mention that manning obviously has a solid receiver core to back him up.

Like you said…if they can sack manning, that will prob be the end of the colts.

gonna be one of two things. A. damn close game right down to the last posession.
B. a blow out in favor of the colts because peyton manning is going to pick apart faults in the young saints

i think that its going to be more of situation A. the saints have played well almost every quarter all year long and when playing well theyre a damn good team. but peyton manning is one of the hardest working quarterbacks of all time, he knows the game inside and out and is one hell of a team leader, not only does the offense rely on him but so does his defense.

Not necessarily…the Jets were sacking him early and thats when Manning is at his best b/c its when he plays the audible game and nobody has mastered that like him. Notice the Jets had to lay off sending all the blitzes because it was leaving 1 on 1 coverage, which you just can’t do when Peyton Manning is the QB.

Chances of them getting to manning tho is not that good. Who knows though, anything can happen.

Their zone coverage was doing workkk against farve. Turnovers will be the deciding factor of this game.

No idea. I wonder if theres gonna be any good commercials.


Cowboys got this.


fuck the cowboys

I’m pulling for Drew Brees and the Saints. Manning is a blow hard and can shove all those stupid commercials up his ass. Saints 34 - Colts 31

don’t care, i’ll be playing beer pong at my house. lol.

bills are gonna win by 12.

Colts by 2 tds, something like 38-24.

Whoever in the original post said that the Saints have “great” RBs that “hit like linebackers” you sir are crazy, there is not a Rb in the Super Bowl this year that is above average.

The team is just a straight rough house team… no matter what the position be

NO because I can’t stand Indy/Manning (Jets fan).


I don’t really care lol.

Yup Colts gonna win this one because Peyton is the man

Your just jealous that Manning is better than Romo. :lol Plus, most of Mannings commercials are quite funny. You must have no sense of humor…

All-in-all, I really dont care who wins the SB. Both teams are great teams, and both deserve to be there. Although the Saints have gotten lucky with a few games this year, but thats beyond the point.