Super Bowl

Apparently Dwight Freeny is out with a torn ligament

Not out…questionable but they are still expecting him to play…at least the Colts president is.

Haha… i dunno how thats gonna work out for him. I mean Im sure he won’t be able to feel it with all the coritzone that will be pumped into him :lol

Yeah I heard he was still supposed to play.

Reminds about when the bears played the colts a couple super bowls ago. Before the game started they did a close up on one of the bears and his pupils were like this. :lol

lol. That reminds me of Tyler Hansborough in the NBA (Pacers). His eyes are like that ALL THE TIME. He must drink a LOT of coffee :rofl

Yah Reche Caldwell used to look like that all the time too.

I just remembered where the Tyler thing was from.

On the ESPN blog regarding Michael Beasley going into rehab during this past off-season.

Someone says: Fortunately, Tyler Hansrough didn’t need to go to rehab to mature and say no to drugs.
Someone else says: Then what’s keeping his eyes so open? Coffee?

I :rofl 'ed

Correct me if Im wrong, but aren’t there motocross teams

Yes…as a matter of fact just about any type of sport has a “team” in one way shape or form.

Colts are looking reallllll good, but the saints are hanging in there.

this halftime show is just awful.

My parents are saying how pathetic it is. They remember what The Who used to sound like back in the '70’s.
My dad says the music is still good but the singing is bad.

I disagree

He runs out of air, that’s why.

“I won’t get fooled ahhh-gahagahagain” :lol

I highly disagree as well, as Murrdog can atest I hate that type of music and I’ll say the half time show is great.

My dad said theyre gonna need to put an oxygen mask on when theyre done

Ugh… I don’t know who’s gonna win and I didn’t really have an opinion before the game, but I’d really like to see the Saints win. Shockey’s my favorite player, and this is their first one. Plus I hate Manning.

Im pulling for the saints, but I don’t know how you can hate peyton manning.