Super Bowl

Thank Janet Jackson for these god awful halftime shows. I wish one of these old fucks would pull there cock out or something so we could get some younger acts on there.

The light show made that half time show. Otherwise yea it sucked.


Cuz he’s related to Eli and I don’t like him either… lol

… thats eli, I hate eli. He’s a whiny baby, you can see it on his face during the games. Peyton is 100x different than eli.

the superbowl sucksssssssssssssssss

Makes me not feel so bad that I’m not really paying attention to it. :-\

no , i just find it pointless to watch of overpaid ju---- buni-- dance around like they deserve it

this is a nailllll biter


What a game.

I’d have rather seen it be a close game.

Good Game, congrats to the Saints.

they do deserve it.

… it was a close game, very close

They are brothers, they were both #1 overall picks, they both have 1 super bowl ring, they have the same last name. Yup 100x different, at least.

It was close til the last 5 minutes when Manning choked and made a mistake and got picked. Great game. Saints started slow but great calls and they earned it.

hell yea… took both the halftime and final squares pot at my mother-in-laws house. Put in only $15 and came out with $70 (small family pot… nothing big)

I dislike Eli MUCH more than Peyton. Only good thing about him is he beat the snot out of the Pats a few years back. lol

That would be hilarious.
However theyd get some shit ass bands/grpups on there even if they got younger ones.