The Top 5 fights at Dennys




if there is a lesson learned from this collection of vids never take a drunk fat chick to dennys.

#3 ftw

bitches be crazy

Dont mess with dumb fat whores’ food!!

love it!

Good find!!!

:lol thst was awesome

started to lol even before I opened the thread :rofl

#1 happened in my town the other day. It wasnt over food, but some road rage on the way there i guess.

No lie, true story.

Me and two of my coworkers had to go to Central NJ for a business trip and we ended up getting out of the office very late (like 3am) so we decided to hit up Dennys cause that was the only thing open.

As we pull into the parking lot, there was literally like 100 black young people (oldest was maybe 26) in an around the Dennys. Not even exagerating. PACKED to almost standing room only. I don’t know what the hell was going on. Chicks were arguing bout guys (he my baby daddy yo! I axed you first!)…guys were trash talking, etc. So anyway, we had dinner and they were starting to get roudy so us 3 white boys got the hell out of there. As we were leaving, cop car after cop car started arriving. I don’t think I’ve ever been that worried that somethin was bout to go down in my life.


Where’s the Shift_518 Denny’s meet/fight? :rofl

Go to the Denny’s on Wolf on a Saturday night/Sunday morning@3AM…same deal…nags getting brehfus

:rofl @ brehfus.

The Halloween one was pretty crazy.

You posa’ be up cook’n brehfus fo’ somebody its lika 'larm clock. WOOT WOOOOOOOT.

thats only in the mornin

and this is why wolf road denny’s has cops there friday/saturday nights.

Westgate dennys was very epic, until it closed down