The unexpected gift is appriciated.


but getting a check back from the landlord is an extra bonus, although to be symbolic of renting you should go outside and burn it

tup to any kind of bonus or holiday sweetness.

i dont get anything from my work… well they give bonuses sometimes, but it’s based on overall company performance throughout the year so it comes a little bit later on…

i wish i worked for goldman sachs… lol

lol true. And that bonus doesn’t get taxed 40% lol

fucking WORD…I :eek: :smiley: at my gross then :eyebrow: :mad: :2fingers: :smiley: at the net

i got 3% of my salary for my bonus. then i got 3 beers a shot and a lapdance. and two more beers tonight.

Ironic, I took 3 shots and gave a lap dance…

my 10% raise > crappy bonuses

My 12.5% > your 10%

My dad can beat up your dad

My 40% (counting benefits) from switching jobs AND 10% bonus >*. :smiley:

The BJ i got from the hot receptionist in the mail room > Your 40% (counting benefits) from switching jobs AND 10% bonus.

Ok maybe It wasn’t the mail room, and it wasn’t a BJ… I just touched myself in the bathroom… :frowning: But i did get a 10% bump earilier this year.

Ohh boy…

I think the only Xmas bonus on here that matters is Newmans 'cause you can guarantee he’s spending it all on car parts for us to talk about in 07. :smiley:


P.S. I got $350, so yeah, my pay sucks compared to the ballers on this site

I got a membership to the Jelly of the Month club :gotme:

SO JELLY > $ .
