The unexpected gift is appriciated.

So last night myself and the girlfriend were bitching to eachother about how our jobs don’t do anything for us on christmas.

I got absolutely nothing, neither did she.

We were talking how her sister works part time in a daycare like 10 hours a week, and she got a 100 dollar citizens bank visa debit card for christmas, and the place that she USED to work for sent her 100 dollars even though she doesn’t still work there, but did in the year 2006.

Anyways so we went out last night to move her mom out of her apartment.

I got home at like 11pm to check the mail.

Sure enough there is a holiday card from who… from our landlord?

I rip it open expecting the lameo holiday card.

“Justin, thanks so much for paying your rent on time, and taking care of the place, we surely appriciate it. We are enclosing 10 dollars for each month that you were with us as a thank you.”

Sure enough, a check for 80 bucks.

Christ, so i’m throwing the rent check in a christmas card this month.

Karma… Its amazing.

:tup: Nice to hear. :slight_smile:

Good landlords are hard to come by, i think you owe him a hand job…


the holidays get me all warm inside

no thats the weiner in your butt

very nice… i get presents at my jobs… usually girlie lotions and stuff. but i dont have a perma job yet. that’s in my near future so i don’t expect much.

:slight_smile: congrats on your 80 bucks

I get a $750 Holiday Bonus Check


My holiday bonus > yours.

However, that does rock.


IBibeatupjoewitha12inchsausageandstealhisbonus >*


Perhaps…I got a raise.

Paid for all my x-mas presents and more

hippie says this to your bonus

damn, thats a cool landlord!

My bonus paid my car off :tup: to no more car payment.

Yep thats gonna feel good. I owe 500 on my truck payment, then no car payments.

ya all i got was an xmas card that had my own signature on it because everyone was forced to sign like 200 cards :bloated: