The use of snot as personal lubrication.

There is a good chance that I’ve fucked more chicks then EVERYONE in this thread combined. Unless Jammer posted. Not checking.

Remember when Ames had the 55 Gold Senior Member credit card? I was there about 5 years ago LOL

Thats cause your an old fucker

why would you waste perfectly good vodka like that… rubbing alcohol would have done the trick… lol


Dinner Wed, pending weather? Might have the Vette:)

Yes definitely. If the same waitress is working i say we run a two man train on her. I get vagine first so you can have mouth first

I’ll take bunghole.

Anyone else want to take a cruise up? I know 99FRC is local to GF.


was the closest thing i had.

i wonder what relevence this has to this thread and if anyone cares. :Idiots