The use of snot as personal lubrication.

It has been brought to my attention that vaginal secretions are most similar to that of regular old nasal mucus, aka, snot.

This brings up several questions, the first and foremost is the potential use of your own snot as a personal lubricant.

Bearing this in mind, is it now not somewhat of a benefit to getting sick?

Would you use a hot chick’s snot to rub one out?


I’m a little disturbed by this entire topic…

benny u will never get this chance so y bother even making a topic about it. u and hot chics go together like ice cream and onions.

It is true. Vaginal secretions caused by arousal closer to ovulation are clear and “stretcgy” very much like healthy running nose snot.

IF those vaginal secretions are yellow or greenish STAY AWAY as that vagina probly has a disgusting infection.

IF it resembles cottage cheese DO NOT grab some potato chips and dig in because your girl has a yeast infection

and east infection huh? hate when that happens!

ps: i have a nasty story about ‘east infections’ and fucking. i think u can put it together.

Jesus, men talking about women’s vaginal health issues.
This is getting more and more disturbing by the second.

do tell sory in great detail to make this thread better

so im on the bottom and she is reverse coygirling the shit out of me. she grabs her bullet for further clitoral stimulation, starts putting it on herself and then stops. so im laying there with my cock burried in her thinking wtf is going on here. she starts doing something and then just starts riding me again. so 10-15 mins later we stop and she gets off and tells me that she may have something. im thinking maybe her period, but nope! i look down and see some lil white balls on my cock. almost like a cottege cheese type deal. so im like o snap!!! run to the kitchen, grab some vodka and soak my cock in 80 proof.

Oh, dude. So wrong.

a little vag cheese never hurt anyone, a little bit is normal…when that shit is like a tube of toothpaste is when you gtfo asap.

talk about an antibacterial huh! haha

i was about to light it on fire but thought that might be a lil extreme

The topic wasn’t about me banging any hot chicks, it was about the use of snot as a personal lubricant.

I asked you guys if you’d use a hot chick’s snot to rub one out.

Don’t be a dick, guy.

def not.

reason she had one was because she was sick the week b4 with an sinus infection and they had her on anit-biotics. these plus a vigina = yeast infection. this is y women need to eats lots of yogurt when on anti-biotics.

Vodka doesn’t burn

Where did that thread on fucked up sex stories go?
I think you might be teh winnar.


dude 30 seconds is all you need, just grab something to bite down on

have u read my sig lately?

personal, its not.

def not what? the vag cheese?

srsly a couple curds is normal, it’s just from them moving around throughout the day, it’s skin cells mixed in with fluid and balled up by their movement throughout the day.

Dude, I can safely say I have never had vag cheese…
No, I don’t think that is normal at all to be honest. :rofl

Could be worse -

A girl from mohon used Mayo as ass lube for her first time anal.

Ask Mcflurry about that one, that story spread like wild fire the next day. (mcflurry knows the story not the one who actually fucked her)