The Warehouse:wednesdays

Bring my antenna, Ill be there later


Ill be there later


for us that work in williamsville till 6:00pm :gotme: i guess i wont show till around 7ish if i come

^ Where do you work?

Edit: i just remembered

i might have to pass…gotta pick buddy up from the airport at 5:45

bring 5 bucks and you can have your antenna back.

i was planning on bringin out the bike but this weather isn’t too appealing at the moment…

It’s not supposed to rain. however, i forgot i have band practice. you guys can come over after if you want…

this day took a turn for the better weather wise. im in :smiley:

i"ll be there.

werd im down

in with the new wheels hopefully. and mayben i will wash the car too. trying to be there around 5:30, staying till 7:30ish

i’m serious if you guys want to come over. i’m right up the street.


i’m serious if you guys want to come over. i’m right up the street.



fuck you dan.


anyone meeting up at SG before hand?

ill meet at sg if anyone wants to cruise up, what time?

ill meet up at sg around 6

nah s and r is right in my back yard

meeting at southgate at 6…6:15 be there or be fruckin SQUARE

Lenny look for the manifold