The weather

yea this has been a really mild winter with hardly any snow at all really!

Fuck you southern fairies…

it looks like june here outside… it blows.

Give me 4 feet of snow and 0 degree temps. NOW.

oh snap… hoepfully tis true :)… I’m gonna be sitting outside in shorts working on the car rednecks style (long as the rain holds off)

how do you like pheonix, do you live right in the city? I got a job offer from there that i’m considering taking.

I am in JFK airport on my way back from a nice sunny vacation in Florida. I am so not looking forward to coming home to snow on the ground and freezing cold temperatures. :frowning:

See a few posts above you :roll:

X… :wink:

:wstupid: i have the best 6000 dollor investment a man can buy this year :smash2:

The good:
It was 74 degrees and i was laying in the sun, across the street from the U of SC campus today.

The bad:
I was 4 hours away from commiting to go here and I chose Canisius. Good call, I GUESS

lol @ all you people who bought snowmobiles instead of mods for your car.

:2fingers: :wink:

50 Tomorrow! Gonna see some ppl out with they’re rides hopefully. I’m making use of it by tinting my car windows.

This weekend they are saying the cold will come back very quickly.