wtf i thought we were done with this shit :tdown:
Good old Buffalo :rolleyes:
arnt you the one who is always like “ITS BUFFALO IT SNOWS GET OVER IT”
:hay: :gay3:
thanks for this info
and you know they are going to salt the shit out of the roads…just when it was starting to clear up. o well.
Pfftttt, like I let trivial things like snow worry me in the all-season-beater.
Though I’m pissed at the lack of sunshine/warmness in general only 2 more months.
Really because it snows every year around this time…like its some big fucking surprise…
Did you wake up this morning forget its Buffalo?
Infact I awoke thinking it was Hawaii, and thought volcano ash was falling from the sky. Running outside in my Hawaiian shorts, with my pasty white chest beaming light in every direction, I quickly realized much to my horror that it was not a volcano. But infact snow.
or it could be the fact we didnt get snow till way late this year and the fact its been pretty decent out lately that there was hope we were done with it early.
Naaa forecast for Friday-next week is all 30’s so it doesn’t surprise me its snowing. However I left Buffalo yesterday at noon to 40 and no snow, got to Hornell around 9ish to about 4 inches and 20 degrees, not to mention flooding and ice down here.
Where I live the roads are closed because water flooded over the bridges and then froze that way. Rar.
I got some pics the other day of a friends lawn and garage submerged in 3 feet or so of water in Batavia, and now with it starting to freeze things are going to be interesting to say the least.
i just took my snow tires off too, hopefully it won’t be that bad here in the north
This was yesterday morning, it rose about a bit over a foot and a half from there. Apparently the creek across the street had some ice jam flooding, and started dumping over the road at the top of the driveway. Unfortunately the picture sucks, and I accidently deleted the good ones. I believe this is from the driveway towards the neighbors house.
Supposedly it just entered the first floor/basement of the “cabinhouse” which is unfurnished/unused. The garage is nicely submerged and a bit over waist deep.
Naaa forecast for Friday-next week…
ROFLMAO:biglol: :lol:
You believe a forecast for next week???
They can hardly guess tomorrow correctly, I only give them 24hrs of slack, after that they are just taking some random shot in the dark.
They said we would only get a dusting, maybe an inch north of the city, and I look out my window to see 2-3 inches already. And I cant believe anyone wasn’t expecting this. It always always always snows in March, and most of the time we get a snow or two in April too.
Excellent timing, we’ve got a bunch of passes to Holimont for tomorrow.
its not just buffalo, the whole northeast is getting it.
judging from my drive home from work, everyone has forgotten how to drive in snow already :bloated:
judging from my drive home from work, everyone has forgotten how to drive in snow already :bloated:
Same here the 90 was already backed up way early.
its not just buffalo, the whole northeast is getting it.
judging from my drive home from work, everyone has forgotten how to drive in snow already :bloated:
i honestly wonder how many people saw we had nice weather for a couple days (especially when it was almost 60) and got their snow tires taken off and now are freaking out.