Winter is officially NOT over yet..

Snow tomorrow and Wednesday.

Looks like the Acura will be sleeping in the garage for a couple days.

yup hence the nice thunderstorm going on right now

I dont have a fun car at the moment, so this will be the first time in like 7 years that I flat out dont care. Nice weather and people enjoying their toys makes me :cry:

sorry for the rest of you though :frowning:

yeah, hopefully they don’t salt… this rain is pwning the existing salt. :smiley:

ahhaahahhaahhahahahah that sucks!

No shit. With low temps barely dipping into freezing, it’d be stupid to salt. But I won’t be surprised if they do.

gotta love buffalo weather…

i h8 this depressing weather

:frowning: And I was hoping the scion would never have to endure salt or snow… Too bad,

i bet they will tonight. they still have lots on hand to dump so…


grR…just heard that today on tv…not cool
atleast im going back out west to seattle on thurs…hope the snow wont follow.

that is going to suck, i am running a couple bald tires from last summer, oh well i hope 4wd will take care of that, i just wont beable to turn

YUP! Took my car out for couple days. I got everything on the car then saw the weather. Just put it back in the garage until the snow clear out. Buffalo weather is AMAZING :smiley:

Axis spins woot, and shit I just finally washed my car.

now paint ur fucking rim.


they totally salted the fuck out of the major routes in the southtowns as well as the thruway.


F’real?! Damn them to hell! All we can hope for is major rain storms now.

rain i can deal with in april. snow makes me angry.

i pretend to ignore it.

but it doesn’t go away.