i can't believe theres no posts about the SNOW

im shocked.

im in williamsville and its a mess. theres 3 inches and people are in a panic behind the wheel.

yea im in wilmsvl too and the snow is coming down with so much speed

about fucking time

Sweet…downtown its just raining…

I drove from Tonawanda to Cheektovegs to East Aurora back to Tonawanda this afternoon.
I saw an Exploder try to climb over the guard rail on the 33 and a 3 car accident on 90E by the Galleria.

Sure there was slush on the road, but come on. :gotme:

Yeah it was the worst between the Galleria and 290 on 90E at 2pm. Otherwise just wet/slushy/sleety/haily junk

casnt wait to get to hamburg tonight


as long as they dont salt, i dont give a damn

Nobody wants to post because it’s fucking depressing. It is snowing and thundering in Hamburg and has been all damn day.

yea we live in buffalo, it snows every year…very post worthy.


as long as they dont salt, i dont give a damn


They’ve been salting all day.

wtf… you guys got snow?

OP is getting it right now. Rt. 20 was backed up this morning with a few of the road heroes wrecking their rides.

whoohoo i am off today.but bald tires and not picking up new car till tomorrow= fuck this weather

holy shit its snowing in november in buffalo!?!?! that never happens :roll:

shit, I gotta get my winter tires put on then.

in cheektowaga, not having any problem since i rock snows on the hatch all year :tup:

but it did freak me out a few times when the car wouldn’t stop…i keep thinking i blew a brake line but i know i’m just sliding…

in Eggertsville…dry as a bone here.

No snow in the city, I would like to keep it that way

Out near holland…7-8 feet per hour. err…per minute! (or just a little rain…whichever)

Williamsville = Shit…lots of white shit on the ground.