The OMFG it's snowing thead!

It’s buffalo, deal with it it’s not new.

On a side note it’s pretty darn cool to watch it approach from the water front. Everything is coated lightly already. :tup:

We dont have anything in Tonawanda right now

haha fuzzy :tup:

no snow in west seneca

Yeah, I’m looking out my office window in Williamsville and I can see the dark line of clouds to the south. They’ve been getting closer and closer for the past few hours.

I hope we get a least a foot. Any less than that with the new tires on the truck I won’t even know it snowed. Big lugs and ground clearance ftw.

its coming down in the burg…

i work in 45 min… rusty dented honda ftw. so much fun…

we have about an inch in fredonia

^ you live in fredonia? college? or what.

i’m in fred town too… we got it last night… but we’re not suppossed to get anything again this week says the weather…just erie county. nothing here :frowning: :slight_smile:

Yup, about 3" and rising in Angola. It’s nice outside though, no real winds.

half inch or less in Greece

now its probably 3 inches here in west seneca

coming down nice in cheektowaga

ha ha!

I’m at UB south campus and there’s no snow here

you go to school here i do, live on water street

Sweet, I am about to hit the streets on my 4-wheeler. Drift the corners.

im right by the 190 and jesus F-ing christ the bad drivers are out already, everywhere. UNREALNESS. 90% of people should have to take public transportation…

yeah I heard from one of my chiefs today that we are expecting 8-12" in the Clarence/Akron area. The news or w/e said that if it doesnt just pass over we are looking at getting hit like last time :tdown:.

same goes for north campus

edit: oops i spoke too soon… its snowing

The meth tank is full and I’ll be out playing once I close up. :slight_smile: