The OMFG it's snowing thead!

just started 10 min ago here in wheatfield and theres already about 1/4 inch. the jeep has a full tank and is ready to go.

i am going to bomb most of the parking lot at the galleria when i get out of work.

think they’ll close school tomorrow? i have a presentation to make and i don’t really think i’m ready…

fucking god… it took me a hour and 30 mins to get home and it was was only 5 miles from my house… fucking a

Yup I’m going to school here. Living on campus for now. I was watching the weather channel and they were saying snow the next 3 days. You go to school here too I assume?

Haha, walden is a solid patch of ice. It’s pretty sweet. :slight_smile:

2 hour ride home from downtown to orchard park…:tdown:

ok I just went from south campus to Zettis and it was fucking awesome. couple inches of snow, but the roads are all ice. i took it easy on the roads, but parking lot dorifto hardcore. university plaza had a nice little run.

stupid fucking snow… messing with my plans of people flying about of BUF…


how much snow u got in tampa :stuck_out_tongue:

ECC south’s back parking lots were un-plowed and empty tonight:snky:

HAHAHA… quite a bit

i live on water street too…where on water?

be careful out there a lot of streets are still just blankets of ice

I go there and work at UP too…but i’ve lived in fred my whole life. By reading this thread there’s like 3 of us that live here… fredonia meet ftw lol

its 1030… anybody down for some parking lot fun? im me (aim - ryanmcell) :slight_smile:

i tried to go out about an hour or so ago, it was so bad i couldnt even see where i was on the street, i almost hit a ton of mailboxes. visibility was less than 1 foot.

i had some fun after work in the mall parking lot until mall security came, so i moved on to wegmans on dick rd lol

fuck, I need to fix my ebrake


Nice, Id be down for a mini Fred meet, but my car is back home in rochester resting :bloated:

Do you know who drives that super clean red 2G Talon TSi with the big front mount?

^ My friend cory has one…he’s always driving around town b/c he delivers pizza. That could be the one. and HOLY snow on campus right now.