This rain is perfect for washing the salt off the roads...

Too bad it’s going to fucking freeze and they’re going to turn Buffalo back into the second coming of the Bonneville Salt Flats.

/Pointless rant.

Not pointless, this weather blows

lol oh well. atleast another month of this crap

I’m with you on this one.

Plus, it’s gonna wreck the roads even worse, maybe I’m lucky I bought the effing truck cuz 4 wheel drive will be nice come spring time on NFB.


i washed my car yesterday for like the first time since winter, and then it rains

Good I can finally get some use out of my penismobile.

Fuck the salt. The freezing/expanding water oughta be just enough for cars to start disappearing into the pot holes on NFB and Maple.

Yeah, I keep on putting off a wash thinking, “If I just wait another week, they’ll be done salting and I’ll be able to wash it and get it over with.”

Eventually I’ll be right.

When I see lifted F-25673725’s falling into that clusterfuck on maple I know this riding season is gonna blow.

agreed i cant wait till this is over, every day my winter beater gets worse and worse and i really dont want to stick any more money than i have to into it to keep it going.

I feel the same way sometimes. I ask myself why did I get rid of my car but then I remember its kind of nice to have a truck when hitting all these pot holes. You kind of care less going thru them.

your tax dollars at work…

naw that’s on your side. Maybe if they doubled your taxes they could build better roads…

All i know is my car is going on the road the second week of May.

I just hope it’s not in vain.

It’s sad I used to think kenmore was bad, but now it’s a relief to drive on it compared to other routes to buff state

I can’t wait for the damn snow to stop. I’m already tired of pariking behind the art gallery.

The Praxair Parking lots are the great salt flats of Tonawanda.
Seriously. I’m tired of getting my work pants all white and salty


I’ll take the bike lot over grant street any day lol.

M&T likes to salt their parking lots pretty well too, it’s comical to see how much they use, it’s like walking on sand



amherst is sucking hard at fixing their roads, t-wanda roads are still lookin goooooooood