The white batmobile in North Buff

Sean Jon gonna have to choke a bitch?

who said i was serious?
My signature demands respect.

And what if you dont get it tough guy?

So I just read the whole thread. Yeah. Some of you have no business with a voice as large as a post on a public forum…


many crickets

i want moar


man, im 3 days late to this party.:frowning:

That’s what she said…

…then i taught her the fastest route down the stairs…

First time I read this thread.
NYSpeed is full of fucking ignorant, inconsiderate, dick riding, babies.
That has always been the case and some of the mods/ex mods talk like they are new
and they have not seen it before. UBRF started laying the smack down and enforcing
some basic conduct rules and then everyone migrated over here and it was one big douche bag, dickrider, circle jerk. Basic shit was never enforced and now its evolved.

The biggest joke was the Plane Crash thread where people were told to “behave” and not make jokes of the dead. That is the first time I have seen basic decency enforced on NYSPEED. It was also amusing that it actually had to be spelled out for some of you fucking retards. No one gives a flying fuck unless its in your back yard, or your friend, or family… THEN its a huge deal. Fucking white trash Hippocrates



you guys are thick.

:lol: I’m just going to lay it out there:

:lol: This was an intricately planned part of the April fools day joke. I think you missed it so cliff notes: Shitty thread orchestrated by outstanding actors, tpgsr goes off the deep end and takes away OT, the masses freak the fuck out, we all laugh histerically at everyone so distraught, then we go back to normal having had a good laugh at everyone else’s expense.


Jack’s accuracy doesn’t really change any when you consider that the responses were genuine, regardless of the reality of the scenario.

The bans, you forgot about the bans.

oh yea, there was bans

I got 579 points. :lol:


My attempt to register “MoruWThickerSkinLOL” was rejected.

So who played the marvelous Sean Jon?

I agree, inquiring minds want to know.