The white batmobile in North Buff

LOL. They call him Bladez cause his arms are so skinny they’re like samurai swords.

What do you mean she seen you at the gas station she dont drive nowhere and she deosnt get outta the truck when i stop. dont bull shit me i dont have time for it.

I dont give a fuck if its a corrola or a lotus or a fucking bentley, their all piece of shit imports

wait you mean she got your number? we need to talk then. what time you out of work, shell give it to me real soon.

quoted for fucking epic awesomeness

You sound like a contender for redneck of the year

Quite the classy fellow aren’t you Hoss.

and now normal people can read it

edit: it’s weird, he uses capitalization and punctuation though lol.

Haha, I was thinking of a joke to make but im just so overwhelmed…

Edit : 26 Viewers and counting… we haven’t had a shitshow like this in a while.

I <3 this thread.


ok man. call me up. I’ll shoot her a text to let her know you’ll be asking for it.


OH. PS: I don’t “work”…

see the 3 words under my name, you fuck.

hey sean jon i just accidentally 93mb of rar files what should i do? is this dangerous?

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 26 (26 members and 0 guests)

this thread delivers


sounds like she gives it to just about everybody :gotme:

Newman, I wonder if this is the type of scenario you’re getting into that would lead to another busted rear window should one of your cars be spotted somewhere by the wrong person…

Not saying I get down like this…but I could see how shitty people would.

I still need to know how I get a new membership card!

This thread sucks donkey dick. Sean Jon is a fggt.

oh wow. This is pretty epic stuff for a Tuesday at work :tup:

wow. Sean Jon, what do you drive??

My man seen the Exige and had no idea what the fuck it was. he snapped a pic and as soon as I seen it, I yelled Newman. you were in the hood too.

el oh el. Dude why do you care so much about your fat girlfriend? I suggest hiring a life coach, then listening to them when you’re told to off yourself

I am not sure if it is a shit show yet… no one is getting called out or threatened or anything like that. This is more of noob bashing that I am not in the mood to clean up.

EDIT: Fucking OT, it is making you all look like a bunch of ass holes.