Counter attack to thread by BluBalls (Got nothing but Love for ya buddy :tup:) -
Let’s see some white rides…
EDIT: Please post YOUR White Ride. Haha, Yous guys.
Counter attack to thread by BluBalls (Got nothing but Love for ya buddy :tup:) -
Let’s see some white rides…
EDIT: Please post YOUR White Ride. Haha, Yous guys.
should have never got rid of this car
Ughh… I love white cars
:lol: @ counter attack, made me laugh for some reason.
With a few exceptions, the black thread has dealt a beat down to the white thread
THat camaro is awesome.
Oh my god that is sexy
^ officerk you had this during the winter/snowy season
white > black alllll day.
next year’s purchase (def w black shoes, however):