The who is riding today thread

It works, most of the time.:ahh

not for me ! the damn weather changed CONSTANTLY !


I rode to work yesterday and on my way home (through scotia towards amsterdam) and took my fav. roads home. I think it is ridge rd or something, you take a right off rt 5 if your heading back towards amsterdam just after the dunken, little gas station. You cross the train tracks and go up that hill. First time I ever wheelied the entire hill, over the top, and went around the right bend and had to put it down for the sharp left… best wheelie there for me so far. So i was all happy after that, until I leaned into a turn and scuffed the shit out of my Luggs work shoes… I need some super moto peg sliders so i hit them first instead of my boots!

Yup, you’re talking about Rector Rd. and upper Ridge Rd. Some real nice twisties in that area. Upper Ridge Rd. has a wicked long straight away too. I used to run a couple of those roads every night. I live about 5 mins away from them. You have to watch it in that area though. That is Glenville Police territory and they can be real pr!cks. I’ve never had a problem yet, but I hit the roads on random days at different times. That and I’ve learned to keep the bike in higher gears so I don’t make a lot of noise and get called in.

Yeah dude… They just repaved the straight too. it is only 45mph the entire way though. That Johnson rd is the tits too. they repaved that too. there is one 90deg that is so tight it should have a stop sign! I love backing it into that one! Me and my buddy on the yellow DRV400SM in scotia ride switch backs on those 3 or 4 roads for a while. good times.

Oh man, Johnson was awesome a 4-5 years back. I actually taught myself how to ride the twisties on that rd. It was a mess for the past 2 years because they tar patched it. But now it’s repaved which is much better. I swear they tar patch just to ruin our fun. That 90 degree turn is by Johnson rd. gun club, it’s wicked nasty, I’ve slid on that one a couple of times. I usually rip the next one on the way up, it’s a 120 degree turn, but watch your head on the mailbox. Anyways, when Johnson went down because of tar patches, I moved over to Washout. That has been a great road for me. I love it up top, then I get the very end of Ridge rd. It’s the best in the area. I’ve seen the DRZ a couple of times in the area. I’ve seen him by Vly rd. across from 890 waiting on the side of the road too. I assume he’s waiting for you after work, haha. I’ve also seen some bikers meet up in the parking lot at Mt. Loretto too.

i like best rd off 43 near the junction at 4 in east greenbush, i take tht 12.5 miles up and down daily like 3 or 4 times sometimes ! its an awesome road

i bet u i could beat jclark in a race down that road if it was a road course i know it so well :smiley:

That’s where I usually go. Just cross the bridge from Albany. 43 to 351 to 2 to MA; loop back up and hit the mountain again then turn 22 and hit 43 back.

who on this rides dirtbikes besides me and mike kkk? twister valley tomorrow

I’ve heard of Twister valley, never been there, though. How is it. I have a 01’ CR-250, but I’m a complete newb to riding it. I can rip around pretty good. I just haven’t jumped it at all. I’ve mostly ridden street for the past 5 years.

its fun, its not very challenging… 20bux for 2 tracks to ride… good deal.

Not very challanging… we both eat it tuesday! fucking watter guy. Dude you missed it, on the table top after you land the finish line jump and take the right… I seatbounced the shit out of it casue I was going a little too slow to clear it like normal, and endo’d a TON… as soon as i took off my ass end was going up, and up!!! I pegged the limited the entire time I was in the air! I barly saved it from going over the bars, the kid behind me saw the whole thing and shook his head and gave me a thumbs up after i landed and blew the next turn! lol I was shittin bricks!

lol noo i just tipped over took 9th overall tonight at royal after not having raced in over a month… i thought it was alright. when you riding your track next?

when it isnt unde 3" of fucking water… and I bust out the weed eater and wack the shit outa some of the jumps and berms! This weekend if it isnt wet out

I need dirt tires for the Husky…

so lets order some up and get em on! rip that thing off road

I’m heading up to Ensign Pond here in a few.

My track is cleaned off and decent to ride… PM me if you want to blast over one evening

I might take you up on that.

I will be out this evening… stop by