The winter teardown has begun.. *11/24 UPDATED PICS**

Honestly seening a perfectly good car torn apart makes me cringe.

Seeing a car thats not stripping all the bolts, smashing your nuckels into rust. makes me want to go work on my evo. (also not drive it in the winter.)

:Tup: you look like your makeing great progress. take good notes and let me know if there is anything I can do to make mine easier.

dont do it at all… it SUCKS. look foward to busting ur hands on EVERYTHING… my hands are cut and bleeding everywhere.

its not hard to do, its just all of the BS u have to take off and out that is a pain in the ass.

the car should be running again next weekend :tup: hopefully i can get a few break in miles on it when im done

lol you should have known it was going to be trouble after it took 30 bolts to remove the front bumper :wink:

clutch came in today :slight_smile: hopefully have more pics 2nite depending on progress 2nite

picked up my buddies tranny jack today… i will not sleep untill that tranny is out tomorrow.

I see your online. is it out? did you sleep?

didnt work on it yest… it was thanksgiving… was talking about today, ill be starting once i finish my bfast

updated pics in the 1st post again!

:tup: its gettin there. i would have helped but i was too busy helpin Oroc slam his piece :pimp:

Looking good!

i thought you were getting overnight japan parts?

ups is teh suck thats what happened lol… but clutch is in and done… all i need is my damn intercooler. fcking pos

the car is DONE… was up at mighty for a lil bit… i will have pics tomorrow morning of it all 2gether with the new frount mount

notice much of a difference?

hell yea, the car wants to boost like CRAZY… new IC is HUGE, to bad i have to break in the clutch

i will update the thread again when i install the cams and gears

EDIT: i wont be installing the cams till after christmas… i have no motivation to work on the damn thing right now

hahaahhah I know the feeling. You won’t see much from cam gears unless you actually degree the engine. If you are not going to do that you don’t need them and could put the money somewhere else in the car. Playing with them on the dyno is a lenghty process which yields better driveability but small gains. The better driveability is extremely dependant on the tuners ability to dial in the cams correctly (not just well we will advance/ retard them and see what happens :P) then adjust the tune without taking hours.

I wanna drive it immediately. Call me tomorrow import faggor.
