The worst Mario Level's EVER!!!

WOW, this can get frustrating :banghead:

Might’ve been actually funny if the douchebag playing hadnt already played the level 100 times and his responses didnt seem so scripted.


how do you get to that level!?


Who mastered the art of invisible block technology, i could use some of that shit

who builds a castle with no floor

What does it sound like to play the hardest Mario levels of all time?

(note: this video originally was found on, and I merely [all »](javascript:void(0)) added a fun and profane soundtrack, because I know exactly how frustrating this can be) [«](javascript:void(0))


“WTF This is worse than a R.L Stein book” HAHAHAHAHA

Sadly I loved those books.

It’s not a normal level, it’s a ROM hack.

I actually beat a similar rom hack. It was a full 8 worlds of this. It took me about a week, and I had to cheat using savestate. It was just too much for me to not cheat. It was TONS of fun though!

There were some spots where you would get a mushroom, and then you could no longer continue because you had to be small, and vice versa. It was just plain rude :slight_smile:


Goomba Fuck you