Theme of the week: Decapitation

What the shit is going on?

He killed his gf, then went to a PARTY!?

Hopefully Brazil has some painful form of execution for that bastard.

please can i???

Mohamed D’Ali Carvalho

Burke’s family in England identified her from a tattoo that said “Mum” after images of the body were broadcast on TV, Silva said.

That’s awful. Imagine finding out like that. Worst than Jay crashing Dex’s bike and posting a thread here before telling him…

Headless is the new black.

wow what a fuck up.

thats awful

"Santos confessed he killed Burke because she threatened to tell his parents he was a drug dealer addicted to cocaine, and she was considering turning him in to police. "

wtf another? is the world ending?


Mohamed D’Ali Carvalho

yeah quite the shocker…fucking scumbag.

Wait, since his name is mohamed, he’s a scumbag? Or is it because his last name is spanish?

ccording to the sixth edition of The Columbia Encyclopedia (2000), “Muhammad” is “probably the most common given name” in the world, including variations.[5] It is estimated that more than 15 million people in the world bear the name Muhammad.[6]

That’s like saying someone named BOB is automatically a scumbag.

Man, too many demented fucks now a days.

thats fucking disturbing.

Hah.Hes just a plain’ol scumbag. Name and ethnicity has nothing to do with it. For all you know tomorrow it might be a guy named Alfred Johnson Smith that beheads his 12 yo love slave. there are sick fucks everywhere.

i just posted the name hes a scumbag for killing someone, is that better?

i agree he’s a scumbag, but i was referring to this:

You forgot the “Santos”.

Of course, the other one this week’s named Vince Weiguang Li.

He was not fully responseable becuase he was on drugs…fucking lawyer bullshit. He is FULLY responseable drugs or not. He decided to take the drugs and,even if in an induced state, decided to hack her up, It was him and nobody else. He has sole responsability.

Newman, meet Kevin.

beat me to it

You know what? The prosecution probably hasn’t thought of this yet! You should be a lawyer. <3