These bricks aren’t for building houses

What would you have done if you found this? :smiley:

[LEFT]I’m not even sure how to categorize this one, but I’ll go for it anyway. On Tuesday, over 80 pounds of cocaine washed up on the shore of a Hollywood, Miami beach. The huge, cellophane wrapped package was covered in barnacles and other fish shit.[/LEFT]
This lead officers to believe it was dumped while being chased by the Florida Coast Guard. Barnacles don’t attach themselves over-night, so this package was floating in the ocean for well over a month.
It’s a pretty damn lucky find for the officer involved. Still, I don’t think many people would know what to do if 80lbs. of white snow just fell into their laps. I’d think it was me getting Punk’d and get the hell off the beach.

say hello to my little friend


1.4 million in cocaine right there … well … after you reprocess it to get the salt out

or take a lesson from making taffy, and sell it is salt water cocaine, lol

Yeah, what a waste…KIDDING…sniff-sniiiiiiifff

damn youre good …:snky:

Fucillo is kicking himself for canceling his vacation to florida right about now.
I’da kept a brick to dump off in a quick sale somewhere I think… or at least asked for a reward of some sort.

I’d probably ask for a reward. But only give em like 4 and keep the rest…lol

just one of those would be great

i’d try to negotiate a bargain for some cash. well maybe not. i missed this by a month… i was just there. dammit.

i would have got the hell off the beach.

What does cocaine do to you anyways?
What is it?

you run faster jump higher and die quicker!

listen to rick james. see response #1

edit: LOL at #3

someone died for that mistake

lol… funny shit


I thought it made you live forever, and made you so badass you could run through walls while screaming “I’m the Juggarnaut bitch!!!”


That’s alot of money.

sweet tiny baby jesus…

  1. find tons of coke
  2. go to local vitamin store
  3. cut said product
  4. live like kings
  5. ???
  6. profit

lol at rick ross

The scorpion on the brick just seems so right. I can see that being used in the next Miami Vice movie.