Things Fuzzyfish does at work

I was on the phone with the Owner for 5 mins and this is what i came back too

If you cant read it (crappy cell phone image… sorry) it’s a piece of green tape that says “Monitor!!!”

This may prove to be reason for termination.


you should have hung up a mirror and wrote “kid toucher” on it

You cant say that in 10 days… :lolsign:

Edit: dont be mad about the avatar, i still love you


EDIT: Give it a few days for “R.I.P. Pedofile”

I expected something much funnier from this thread.


There is more, when I have time I’ll add as I go

I concur, this is an epic thread failure. And I request my name be removed from the title. Maybe once I build a Rube Goldberg contraption out of the rack-mount computers it will be worthy of such.

Or a box fort equipped with a DVR cannon.