Think about this when your riding at night!

Found this at work last night.
I cant even imagine how this guy didnt drop it.

wow. that was close if he managed to keep it up!

It doesnt look like he dropped it. As far as you can tell.

“owl that hurt!!”… :bowrofl:

poor r1.

my grandfather rode year round. the only time he didn’t ride is when it was icy out cause that was dangerous :rofl: he had tire chains for his bike so he could ride it year round. he rode his bike till his death. he was 86 when he wasn’t able to ride anymore.

i remember you telling me this story, thats :nuts:

you should prolly just kill yourself so we can nevber hear from you again

damn… that is f’n insane.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

but still, owls are big and heavy ass hell, seriously…how did he stay up

and I bitch about getting pelted with June bugs

damn…that’s nuts!

was that really around here ?