Open letter to riders [bad ideas inside]

With the cold coming there are 2 things that are pissing me off. And its not the weather. its the gripes coming from people that insist they love to ride. Im hearing too much of this.1. People who are calling it quits and putting their bike away because its cold. Its in the 50s still. That’s not cold. Put a hoodie on and suck it up.2. People who will ride but won’t ride fast because “its cold out and my tires won’t heat up.” This is so untrue. If you think otherwise consider this, last night I went out with B5A4 and we did the ****** at a GPS verified 127 mph. And I didn’t feel the need for 5th gear. Not once did I feel any lack of grip nor was it a concern. Plus im on Sportmax GPAs which heat up relatively slow.To some it up, stop bitching about the cold, and stop making excuses. Get out and ride.

Darwin will catch up to you :slight_smile:

You are an idiot. Thanks for posting…

Just because you’re an idiot doesn’t mean that everyone else has to be. :zong:

I hope this thread doesn’t get deleted because I will be the asshole to bump it with the news article about you becoming a greasy spot on the pavement.

I edited out the street name in your post. :ham:

EDIT: And JayS’s post, lol

This thread sucks.

And LOL at the “hoodie”. How bout instead of a hoodie you wear your motorcycle jacket with the liner in?


Ride fast and like a dumbass on the streets and you end up in the hospital!

Ask me how I know!?

Then you can’t ride, or work, or even drive for that matter.

How did I know you have a Gixxer?


I appreciate your enthusiasm, just be careful.

how do you know?

i agree with this, it’s been a bad year for me. i went down, my friend went down and is now paralyzed, and another friend was killed.

be safe dude.

You did 5TM at 127MPH? Wow! :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, doing stupid things doesn’t make you manly. There’s nothing manly about being dead, which is where you’re headed if you make a point of riding well into triple digits in 40 degree weather in a hoodie with no concern for traction. Not to mention what happens to braking skill when your fingers are numb, or reaction time when your body temperature is lower than it should be.

But you’re close on one point: Fuck tire temperature. That’s only half of the friction interface, and the pavement stays cold no matter what. :picard:

I’ll see you out in February…
Don’t bitch about salt either…

Edit: Who the hell cares if you go 127 mph in a straight line.
Try going 65 when its 35 degrees and raining.

I’ve been out as much as I can lately. The season is coming to an end. Tires are wearing out and the pavement isn’t getting any warmer. I know I am not pushing my limits anymore, it’s too late in the season to crash now. Especially due to poor judgement. Be safe dudes…


:lol: 50 is cold over 80s. But I ride year round anyway :snky: :tup:

This is a really stupid thread.

I guess you just aren’t that hard of a rider. I’ve certainly had my tires break loose in frigid temps before when on the same turns held strong in higher temps. Which is why I know not to do stupid shit in the cold.

Just don’t kill yourself. Like Fry said, it’s not manly to be dead.

Dumb thread.

Dare ya to ride 240 hard.

Don’t worry about the deer, leaves or cold temps.

wet leaves dry leaves who gives a fuck ride hard and fast. leaves dont effect traction!! :banghead: