*** Think you have a problem with a possible Fraud?

Hello all,

We thought that we would introduce this post, so that everyone was made aware that they shouldn’t be taken advantage of with regards to fraud.

If by any chance you think you have been taken advantage of, or the product you purchased and received was below the discription given to you, please let us know.

We are more than willing to lend a hand in bringing a possible conflict to an end; be it via the police, or just a mediator between the parties. If there continues to be a descrepancy, then since the goods have been sold through the NECC site, we will decide (with time) where the burden should be placed.

Just understand that we do want to know what takes place on this site, and want to help. Our powers are limited, but we will do our best.

Actions we can take (in no particular order):

  • Questioning via PM
  • Warnings via PM
  • Forum rights limited
  • Membership denial
  • Membership revoked
  • Banning
  • Victim given info to contact police, and how to do so.
  • Accused let known on NECC site
  • Accused let known on other Nissan sites
  • Accused let known on other local sites
  • Anything else we can think of that would make it real uncomfortable for the accused.

So please PM either this account, SRBURG13’s account, or DeathBy240’s account and we will do our best to help you.

Thanks, and I hope we never have to hear from you.

NECC Admin