thinking bout new wheels for the titan

what yall think??

Same as I did before. So baller.

yeah searching for “dick rims” didnt really pull anything up lol

what size are u thinking about getting?? 8 inch?

It will still be a Jap truck.

Built in Mississippi. :tup:

and for a second i thought you were serious

Me? I was. A Jap truck built in Mississippi is still a Jap truck.

no i think he was referring to me. “jap” truck or not, i bet whatever you drive has just as many foreign parts (not bustin balls, being serious)

and ive pulled many of chevys and fords outa the mud :wink:

I know I was being a bit provocative, probably not the thread to get into a big debate about buying domestic v. foreign v. mix (most vehicles to one extent or another, as you point out). So, sorry for the hijack, just something I feel strongly about and I guess I was being feisty. My bad and again, sorry 'bout that.

But just to set the record straight, the Camaro was 95% US/Canadian when I bought it and every mod is 100% domestic. My race car is 100% domestic. The DD is a Silverado, 92% US/Canada. So, I do put my money where my (big) mouth is. In the interest of full disclosure, my wife drives a Nissan Murano. I figure that goes on her karma though.

i agree with ya, but i think were at a point where the F/D lines are almost together, to me…

it was built by american workers in the US
it was sold by american workers in the US
it will be serviced by american workers in the US

to me… that makes it just as american as you can get, it keeps jobs here and employs our people to do it…