This chick felt the pain

may be a repost but it sure is funny

I have seen dudes that would drop off a hit like that, she faced it like a man :slight_smile:

she took it like a man

she is a man

i wana see the rest of that, and what are they saying?
I cant stop watching it, its to funny!!

WTF was that all about??? funny but why did the other lady hit her?

she just stood there and was like, wtf just happend? LOL nice

just watched it again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

nice …

that is fuckin amazing that people just go up to someone and do that. i fuckin love it.

best part is the sound it made

LOL that’s funny as hell.

She says something about, “THC in her system”.

Fuckin’ pot smokers…:rofl: