This Ever Happen to Anyone?

Ever crack open an egg to find two yolks in it? Am I going to die?

yes to both parts

The weird thing is I cracked open 3 eggs selected at random from the carton. 2 of the 3 had two yolks in them.

Seriously? Never had a double yolk egg before? You must not use eggs often.

They are not all that uncommon in the bigger eggs and yes they are perfectly safe.

you get that all the time with the extra large or extra extra large eggs… whatever the biggest ones you can get.

i get a couple in ever container

we dont buy eggs from chickens that were pumped up with steroids.

thats not how we roll in vermont.

No you’re all a bunch of dbag hippies wearing hemp and eating tofu.


no idea why i found this so funny

1 is a yolk… 1 is a fetus/embryo…

eat them both… you’ll be fine

seriously though, cook them, you will be fine, its not uncommon to recieve double yolks lol

hmm cant say ive ever seen one. take pix next time!

happens to me all the time when i use x large eggs y0

im not dead yet

^^r u sure ur not slowly dying inside:gotme::jam::jam::jam::jam::jam:

Double Yolkers appear when ovulation occurs too rapidly, or when one yolk somehow gets “lost” and is joined by the next yolk. Double yolkers may be by a pullet whose productive cycle is not yet well synchronized. They’re occasionally laid by a heavy-breed hen, often as an inherited trait.

Fat hens need lovin too.

your eating twins. double yum!