This guy must have the best balance in the world...

Absolutely insane.

No idea how someone could fathom TRYING some of that shit, let alone pulling it off.

damn that guy is sick

wow f-in crazy. i wana try:lolsign:

there was a guy doing that down a CHAIN… from a fence post to another fence post… ridiculous

^^^chain riding here

trials ftw

these guys are amazing i wish i could do that shit

wow that is amazing

the whole thing is rediculous, but the park benches at the 5 minute mark is sick

edit: might as well throw in some flatland. I used to love when this was on during xgames type stuff on espn2, I even went out and bought a bike and found out how F’ing hard it is :lol:

pretty sweet, dudes got skills

wow, i’m impressed.