yeah your right, but if i remember right when i worked there they had 2 of these. 1 was a real Saleen Focus and the other was a ZX3 with the “Saleen Kit” I belive this was the one with the kit
This is not the one with nitrous from Saleen. They were called N20 models while the others were called S121’s like this one. A kid I know is all about the rare foci and has a Roush Focus :lol
riiiighttt, “your friend”
Look familiar:
No, it looks like this
Apparently it’s one of 25 supercharged ones ever made. I can only dream of something so cool
I think you are the closet Foci fag and are dreaming of a car that gay
Is it just me or does that car look like some sort of vacuum cleaner attachment?
I lol’ed
it’s one of those things where it boils down to it’s still a focus
that guy should not be allowed anywhere near a camera, & especially not near a microphone.
Is that man hearing impaired?
He certainly talks like he is.
If your not cool you dont prolly have a girlfriend
this car is so fast the wing has to keep you on the ground
What a jackass “if your not cool…you probly dont have a girlfreind”. Something tells me that pos would not help. :lol
sure it would not only that but if she has any fat friends they can sit on the wing, to keep you on the ground lol. this is exactly why visually my focus is pretty much stock fuck that corny shit
he sounds like this dude:
at least he has an excuse he had a stroke this guy prolly just had an abusive father lol
WOW, there are more and they keep getting worse:
what the fuck?
It’s almost like he’s trying to be like Fucillo.
And he like thinks of the shit on the cars off the top of his head…again, he sounds like a retard.
yeah iive seen them all i just thought that focus looked ridiculous, its 10 thousand dollars more then i paid for my car, and it only runs 15s lol
awesome. This is the sign of a professional dealership.