This is so wrong


yes that was so wrong. could have atleast thrown in his teeth for free with the purchase of the helmet…

I find that hilarious… he’s an idiot

I’m sorry, hope the guy gets better, but I’m just tired of all the steeler shit. Ok something happened to a guy riding a bike but you don’t have to take up the whole front page and whatever else was in the paper. There are more pressing things that happen in and around pittsburgh to talk about.

Sorry I’m done with my small rant.



its funny, too bad i bet its a seahawks fan with the WA addy

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and theres more

Q: I live across the street from you. Would you be able to personally deliver the helmet?
A: Yes.

Q: How will this item be packed to protect it during shipping?
A: It will be very carefully packed in a box with bubble wrap and foam peanuts.

Q: Will this helmet protect me from any snakes?
A: I’m not sure. Snakes are pretty dangerous creatures.

Q: Will this helmet protect me from teh ghey?
A: I have not tested it for that purpose.

Q: If I buy this item can I PIITB? I will pay eleventy for it!
A: I don’t think so.

i cant believe someone actually took the time to set this up…put some hair and blood in at least

:rofl: @ jeffs