This is the first time I nearly shit myself.

Truck guys have huge ego’s, I love trucks but not some of the drivers.
Some guy was going to “run his truck up my ass” for passing him on route 5 when he was going below the speedlimit. Another guy was going to “rip my head off and shit down my throat” now my fault the bass hit too hard and made him spill his coffee at 6am. lol. okay maybe i was being an asshole on the second one but i was 16

You should have shot his middle finger off…

Good story!

Semi-seriously, the worst drivers are NOT in trucks. But among the people driving pick 'em ups, them big Dodges are the worst. I guess it’s because those that buy 'em are attracted by the big-rig-wanna-be look. Those are some fugly trucks, IMHO.


That would be the greatest book ever, next to the “Alphabet of Manliness” of course.

all u have to do is give the wrong person the finger and theres a bullet in ur head