"This is why we can't have nice things." The Joe Jiggs appreciation thread


ummmmm wow

Back hair FTL, mine gets Nair’ed every few weeks.

the hair on my balls is thicker than the hair on nickaleros back

thats so weird kramer


yo hazem i did more work on this thing because i cant sleep yeah its 110am lol

my road test is tuesday who wants to help me?

Get with Jellies, he drives more than most of us.

whos that

User “PJB”, aka Paul Brudzienski


I suck at parallel parking and shit though so I probably would be the best teacher

damn it


I dont need to parallel park at work. Ive got a whole fucking strip mall parking lot I can park in.

Really Ive never tried it with the truck and Im sure Id stall the car parallel parking it because it doesnt like to run at low speeds like that anyway with the cam thats in it.

Trucks are easy to parallel park with. You just back up and over the curb until you’re lined up with the two cars around you. :rofl

what you need to brush up on?

idk i just suck

so i passed