this kills me

yeah, but its still 10x less ricey than either sunhawk’s or that white cavalier in the begining of the thread.

your car was wheat

yeah, it was bad, but not horribly bad

shut up vinyl boy



You mean because of acid rain? Does Pittsburgh really have worse acid rain than other cities? The steel industry is almost non-existant, not sure there is really that much manufacturing in general. :dunno: I wonder if they have comparisons somewhere. I know living by rails can be bad becuase of the rail dust embedding in the paint.

yeah look at my car :rofl:

Sunhawk is the biggest faggot Pittspeed has ever seen. /thread.

I could go on, but that pretty much sums it up.

Originally Posted by sunhawk08
i have no problems getting girls with my looks because i’ve been told i resemble Dale Jr.

great sig

your sig > my sig


suncawk…or whatever the fuck ur name is…listen…ppl dont fucking mod out firebirds and hondas and all of that b/c it is norm. ppl dont fucking mod out stupid ass 80’s cavy’s b/c its just such fucking ugly ass car and theres nothing for it…ur not cool when u have a huge ass fucking wing the size of my car on ur car…ur not fucking cool with a shit load of advanced bought apc stickers…and ur pep boys neon kit…its fucking gay…ur like the ass that prob. tries to race vettes and shit in ur piece of shit car…ppl use those cars as daily drivers or as winter beaters…ppl DO NOT TRY TO MAKE THOSE INTO SPORT CARS…soo idk…go fuck urself with ur pos car…thats not a sports car…

p.s. if ur never going to go to meets or ever try to meet somebody…go fuck urself and get off of here…and stop whoring it up douche bag…b/c nobody cares for u it seems…

I see someone is starting to get into the swing of things here. :bigthumb:

i :heart: sunhawk

i like sunhawk like I like these damn warts that showed up on my asshole last night.

fucking shaggy. I told that asshole to wrap it up. :crying:

that sucks…sorry to hear…

shh…i have medicne for that…hahaha


must of been a look alike since shaggy was at the blue house


shit…and ppl might say u look like dale jr…but u prob. drive nothing like him…and u prob. have more stickers on ur car then he has on his race car…

and what kind of girls do u get…toothless incest ones that dont scrape when they give head