This lady needs a picard

Link to fat, ugly lady who shouldn’t be wearing a thong.

LOS ANGELES, CA - A Los Angeles area woman is suing Victoria’s Secret claiming she was hurt while putting on her underwear.

She can’t be serious, can she?

Not what I expected, as far as injury goes.

I hate to say it, but this needs pics.

It shouldn’t be a major event putting it on. If she has to exert any effort putting it on, her fat ass shouldn’t be wearing it.

I didn’t see a pic of the blimp.

This is all I could find.

Holy Fuck…

She looks like a dude :barf:

hope she’s gets t-boned by a drunk driver

If it don’t fit, you must acquit… :bloated:

Hopefully the internet as a whole will make quick work of her like that one bitch that didn’t watch her kid, and tried suing someone.



+1 karma

She’s 52!

buy normal underwear, your almost a damn grandma

Yeah. Disappointing.

A dude-pig at that.

isnt there a rule about not trying on underwear?

EDIT: Damn you Fry, I shall have my revenge. :sword:

Hmm, looks like the he-she in this:

:lol: :thankyou:

“Victoria’s Secret Sues Woman, Claims Eye Gouging from Fat Ass”