this place is dead tonight.

DIE fromyou (1:21:16 AM): dorkus
DIE fromyou (1:21:21 AM): with 2 screens.
Howie See Ya (1:21:32 AM): don’t hate
Howie See Ya (1:21:38 AM): don’t be jealous either
DIE fromyou (1:21:45 AM): im not.
Howie See Ya (1:21:51 AM): you should be
DIE fromyou (1:22:08 AM): why?
DIE fromyou (1:22:12 AM): i have a flat screen.
DIE fromyou (1:22:14 AM): i’m cool too!
Howie See Ya (1:22:25 AM): the only thing flat is
Howie See Ya (1:22:26 AM): uh
Howie See Ya (1:22:27 AM): lol
DIE fromyou (1:22:39 AM): MY CHEST LOL!
Howie See Ya (1:22:47 AM): wow
Howie See Ya (1:22:49 AM): too much ammo
DIE fromyou (1:22:53 AM): hahaha.
DIE fromyou (1:22:55 AM): but for ril.

well, guess i should ask now.
who wants to buy me a boob job?

Take some of the fat out of your ass and put it on your rack

my ass isn’t fat. it’s nice.


Level: 20
Age: 4 hours
Experience: 2002950/4007983
Gold: 2993613
Hit Points: 7305/7305
Damage: 628-944
Armor: 386

LEvel 20… and i’m spent

What are you playing there anyways?

i think that may work…

Haha, spiffy.


Which gym is it at, how much to sign up?


Planet Fitness in willville on sheridan, free to sign up, $19 a month.

Includes free tanning too, turn your pretzely white ass into a pretzely brown one :wink:
you still in U heights?

shake it

i just beat mgs 3


MGS 3, such a great game. It’s just like playing an awesome movie.


Planet Fitness in willville on sheridan, free to sign up, $19 a month.

Includes free tanning too, turn your pretzely white ass into a pretzely brown one :wink:
you still in U heights?


Nah moved out of U-Heights a year ago. I’ll probably do it on the first and try doing it actively from that point on, I don’t really sleep these days so it will give me something to do.