This years rental car naaawwwzzz fun

most contracts specificly DONT cover stupidity. Not that nitrous is stupid, but im sure the rental company would consider it that if the rods liberated themselves.

random person jumps on the hood of your rental for the fun of it - covered
you jump on the hood of your own rental for the fun of it - not covered

$9 a day wouldnt cover all the damage rentals would receive if they allowed you to do any damage you wanted w/o having to worry about it

so it all comes down to one thing. if your gonna beat it, be ready to lie about how it broke

Too bad you didn’t go to Avus and get a new G8.

That is great!
LOL at the people trying to analyze the what if scenarios.:ohnoes:

Cool. but I still think the Charger that somewhere around 8 different people beat on for a full day of autocrossing was better.

Having to rotate the tires 1/2 way through the event because the fronts were getting bald from all the understeer was classic.

The car was not broken so what can they do about it??? They checked it in and no damage was reported. I am sure it has already been rented to other people so how can they prove that the next guy did not do the same thing? If it broke we would be a little more discrete about it.
Here is the videos from last year’s car; 300c with a hemi

they don’t care about the tires?

Haha, nice. His face is red…like a strawbrary!

awesome slasky :lol:

Last year we melted the tires off 2 hours after the n2o install. This year we took it easy and only wore them half down. I rotated the tires the night before it was turned back in. After that one burnout I did they all had even tread.

so did you clean off all of the tire shreds that were in the wheel wells?

Here is the end of my burnout

OK here is the full burnout

hahahahahahaha in a fucking rental


lol, thats awesome.


guy did this at UTI on the dyno. had the bottle and main line from his mustang, shoved it in the intake and cracked the bottle open at WOT. poor nissan sentra… it WAS a nice car, till it went boom.

thats fuckin AWSOME!