Thread subscription notification?

Am [font=Verdana][size=2]I the only one not getting thread reply notifications today?[/size][/font]

…the nyspeed e-mail server down or something maybe?



Same here - I thought I accidentally blocked them in outlook, but I didn’t. :gotme:

thanks for the reply; at least it’s not just me. :stuck_out_tongue:

You guys use that? Ugh my mailbox would be overflowing if I did.

OT but…

How do you unsubscribe to a thread?
I hate getting emails on certain threads.

Go to thread tools at the top of the particular post you don’t want to subscribe to anymore. Click Unsubscribe.

You can subscribe to posts without getting emails. I like to have subscriptions so when I go to User CP I can see what threads I posted in are currently active.

I knew I had seen it before!
Thanks for the help.

Still isn’t working for me. In fact, I had no idea anyone else responded to this thread :frowning:

mine seem to be working fine today…

OMG I just got one when you posted! :slight_smile:
