thrown from a car and run over

this video is just great


nice chop!!



wow…he must have been flung 15-20’ in the air…then landed on his head. He did’t even feel the other car run him over.


oh my OUCH

shit that prob hurt a bit

he should be glad that wasnt a lowered car that ran over him because THAT would have been really messy, it sucks that the guy in the black car is going to have to scrape meat from under his car now.


haha you’d think you might wear a seat belt if engaged in a high-speed chase

or maybe not

WOW! Guess he was not wearing his 5 pt. harness.

damn, :tup: to running from the cops so we can all laugh at his demise.

all i can think of while watching that is R. Kelly “i believe i can fly”


god damn

OMG…I bet he didnt even feel that last car running him over…
WTF~ some crazy shit…
thats why i always wear my seat belt…
Even if its just to move the car from my backyard to the front
Of the house…lol…

:hang: :hang: :hang: :hang: :hang: :hang: :hang: :hang: :hang: :hang: :hang: :hang:

That was sweet as helllllll

Wonder what is going through your head when you are like 20 feet off the ground like that!

and he definitly didnt feel getting run over, if he wasnt dead he was as close as possible to it

i believe i can fly
i believe i touch the … AHHHH FRONT BUMPER!!!

honey, what was that we ran over ?