Thumbs up to Derrick @ rockys. Thumbs down to theifs.


I’m just curious as to why you didn’t just follow him until he stopped at a residence and keep calling the police. If he made a stop you would at least have an address and people the police could lean on to get his name and location.

Sorry to hear however.


A lot of this makes no sense to me. I had something similar happen when my family’s boat trailer was stolen back home. I took a trip to the rez about a week later and found it. I raced home, called the reservation police (this was the canadian side of the akwesasne reserve and they have their own rez cops) and was told they would check it out “sometime later”. Very calmly I explained if they did not agree to meet me there within 20 minutes myself and 4 of my good friends were going down there armed to take the trailer back ourselves and the akwesasne police could be responsible for what ever happened. The police agreed to meet me in 15 minutes about a mile from the location, we went there, and the police took the trailer to their impound. We got it back from the police a couple days later.

All that being said, simply telling the cops if they wouldn’t come you were going to confront the guy with a gun probably would have got them off their fat lazy asses. Nothing like the threat of a bunch of people getting shot to motivate the police.

The guy who took our trailer eventually got his.
Same guy. :slight_smile: