Good call not confronting him. Never know who’s packing what, and if he’s already proven himself to be a car thieving dickfor then the odds aren’t in your favor. An Escape isn’t worth risking getting an extra hole in your body.
I would have hit him with my car when he came out of the store.
Yeah, I’d probably end up in court but it would be worth it.
EDIT: And jesus I really fucking hate Buffalo. I can’t believe you couldn’t get one of those worthless peice of shit Buffalo cops to get off their donut eating, raise wanting lazy asses when you were following your stolen truck around.
EDIT: And jesus I really fucking hate Buffalo. I can’t believe you couldn’t get one of those worthless peice of shit Buffalo cops to get off their donut eating, raise wanting lazy asses when you were following your stolen truck around.
it is simple. they don’t give a shit
damn, citizens arrest with your front bumper?
I would deff go back to the house the car was in front of. I’d ask them about it, and if I didn’t get any information…plain and simple…firebomb
I’m just curious as to why you didn’t just follow him until he stopped at a residence and keep calling the police. If he made a stop you would at least have an address and people the police could lean on to get his name and location.
Sorry to hear however.
I’m just curious as to why you didn’t just follow him until he stopped at a residence and keep calling the police. If he made a stop you would at least have an address and people the police could lean on to get his name and location.
Sorry to hear however.
A lot of this makes no sense to me. I had something similar happen when my family’s boat trailer was stolen back home. I took a trip to the rez about a week later and found it. I raced home, called the reservation police (this was the canadian side of the akwesasne reserve and they have their own rez cops) and was told they would check it out “sometime later”. Very calmly I explained if they did not agree to meet me there within 20 minutes myself and 4 of my good friends were going down there armed to take the trailer back ourselves and the akwesasne police could be responsible for what ever happened. The police agreed to meet me in 15 minutes about a mile from the location, we went there, and the police took the trailer to their impound. We got it back from the police a couple days later.
All that being said, simply telling the cops if they wouldn’t come you were going to confront the guy with a gun probably would have got them off their fat lazy asses. Nothing like the threat of a bunch of people getting shot to motivate the police.
The guy who took our trailer eventually got his.
Same guy.
i say you should have taken your extra set of keys and kept on locking the car wherever he was and intentionally setting the alarm off. that’ll freak him out good.
all joking aside that sucks and i hope you get it all straightened out.
thanks everyone. I didnt confront him because of legal issues and no telling if he had any weapons plus Im not like that. I have never been in a fight in my life. I probably would have gotten my ass beat by this punk ass kid. Today I feel like a punk for not doing anything last nite. I gave the cops all the info I had. I am going to stop by there tomorrow and tell them that he did indeed stop at that citgo and maybe he was dumb enuff to use a credit card or atleast the gas station camera caught him. I kept call the police, they would not stay on the line with me to get turn by turn directions. Nor would they send a car in a hurry. Fucking useless last nite. I cant wait to move out of this city. I wanted to ram him so bad, but I was driving my dads mountaineer that just got of the collision shop with 5500 dollars worth of damage done to it.
A lot of this makes no sense to me. I had something similar happen when my family’s boat trailer was stolen back home. I took a trip to the rez about a week later and found it. I raced home, called the reservation police (this was the canadian side of the akwesasne reserve and they have their own rez cops) and was told they would check it out “sometime later”. Very calmly I explained if they did not agree to meet me there within 20 minutes myself and 4 of my good friends were going down there armed to take the trailer back ourselves and the akwesasne police could be responsible for what ever happened. The police agreed to meet me in 15 minutes about a mile from the location, we went there, and the police took the trailer to their impound. We got it back from the police a couple days later.
All that being said, simply telling the cops if they wouldn’t come you were going to confront the guy with a gun probably would have got them off their fat lazy asses. Nothing like the threat of a bunch of people getting shot to motivate the police.
The guy who took our trailer eventually got his.
Same guy.
So getting an address of either the thief himself or at least the address of a know acquaintance makes no sense? Have some information is better than a wild goose chase. Worst case is he is in the same position he is in now.
So getting an address of either the thief himself or at least the address of a know acquaintance makes no sense? Have some information is better than a wild goose chase. Worst case is he is in the same position he is in now.
Sorry, what you said made sense. I just mean a lot of this story doesn’t make sense.
Sorry, what you said made sense. I just mean a lot of this story doesn’t make sense.
If you have questions, ask away. I aint gonna sugar coat shit. I am pissed about my wife not hiding her purse better thats for sure. I am getting ready to call some of my distributors to check into GPS tracking. Fucking ford couldnt come up with something like Onstar.
UPDATE: drove past the area where I seen the truck saturday and dont you know he was returning form mickey d’s. I flew up to main where there was NFTA cop waiting at the light at main and utica. He followed me back there. The asshole comes out of a house across the street from where he parked the truck and ask the officer if there is anything from. They take is breakfast which he is eating in the street and search him. Good thing I didnt try anything the other nite cuz he was carrying a nice size knife. Truck is ok, a few cracks and dings and it really needs to be cleaned and my 45 dollars worth of gas is gone of course. This guy is actually 38 years old and lives with his grand parents. Im glad this is over. now we just need to see about getting new keys made and having the locks on the truck changed because he didnt have the keys on him when they searched.
And a big thumbs up to the NFTA police. within 5 minutes of me seeing this kid getting out of my wifes truck, they had 4 cop cars at this location. BPD took another 15 to come. Maybe I should have used your tactics and threaten to beast his ass or shoot him cuz they did nothing.
^ good work, Have the lock tumblers and ignition box changed as well as the keyfob codes changed, Dealer will do it under these situations.
Glad to hear you got your truck back and all is somewhat back to betters. See if insurance will cover the damage done and the cost of the lock/keyfob change
Glad everything worked out and hope everyone liked the food!!!
good to know criminals really are as dumb as advertised… glad to hear shit got worked out for the most part
thanks everyone. I didnt confront him because of legal issues and no telling if he had any weapons plus Im not like that. I have never been in a fight in my life. I probably would have gotten my ass beat by this punk ass kid. Today I feel like a punk for not doing anything last nite. I gave the cops all the info I had. I am going to stop by there tomorrow and tell them that he did indeed stop at that citgo and maybe he was dumb enuff to use a credit card or atleast the gas station camera caught him. I kept call the police, they would not stay on the line with me to get turn by turn directions. Nor would they send a car in a hurry. Fucking useless last nite. I cant wait to move out of this city. I wanted to ram him so bad, but I was driving my dads mountaineer that just got of the collision shop with 5500 dollars worth of damage done to it.
This scumbag needs a beat down, I’m game. I’m convinced that cops just dont give a fuck and if you gotta do something right you have to take matters into your own hands.
I am getting ready to call some of my distributors to check into GPS tracking. Fucking ford couldnt come up with something like Onstar.
Thanks, Ill check it out. I will def get a system for her car. Any ny speeders down for gun permit meet this saturday at the buffalo gun center?
Glad everything worked out and hope everyone liked the food!!!
Thanks again Derrick, shit was good. I will be back for sure