Ticker Tape Belt Buckle

Does anyone have one I could borrow… or at least know a store in the area that would sell one? I have the need for one for my halloween costume

im going to head to the galleria after work but im really clueless to where i could find one

something like this: http://www.nycscrolls.com/product_catalog_5.html

pink is unecessary :gay3:

call Newman?

i have one. the battery is dead. but you can borrow it…
however… i lost the instructions. you will have to figure it out on your own, and it isnt easy.

did you have to order it online, or did you find it locally? i dont know if i have the time to drive out to hamburg damnit

and how long of a phrase could the thing hold?

lolol…a friend of mine jsut got this damn thing…HAHA

pssht. i had mine in january. I AM SO HIP. oh oh oh

like 256 chars or something absurd like that.
the only thing i ever programed it to say was FUCK THE FUCK OFF

I think you can get them at that belt kiosk in the mall, but i think they are like 30 bucks there.

i just need it for a costume for the weekend

then ill return it with a saying programmed into it… something along the lines of:

“go wash yourself, i busted a nut all over the buttons before returning this”\

edit: but ill check the kiosk, thanks man