TIESTO coming to NF, Ontario

Yeah I’ve seen Armin about 6-7 times (he’s great), but I’ve only seen Ferry twice. I do not want to miss them tag. I’m gonna be in the KH most of the night as well, the guv gets too damned packed. I’ll check out Digweed @ Dragonfly on Sept 20th so I’m not too worried about missing his set at the Guv. I missed PVD @ the 5th Anniversary party but I saw him at the Guv in 2004 and your right, that fucking train horn was annoying. That really sucks PVD won’t be at the guv anytime soon or maybe ever again. His 6 hr set at Roseland in NYC was amazing, I’ve got an hour of video I shot from that show and everytime I play it for someone they’re like “Holy shit, why doesn’t he come to the guv?!?!” I did hear some good news about the Central Park shows coming up on the 18th and 19th in NYC (I can’t wait to go!). From what I heard SIRIUS is going to broadcast both shows (10 hrs) on August 25th, which should be awesome. I’ll have that in MP3 format in no time! Party on, c-ya at Labour!